Smooze Change The Way You Scroll 1 7 7

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Smooze Change The Way You Scroll 1 7 7

Smooze 1.9.14 – Change the way you scroll. K'ed Smooze Utilities. Smooze animates your scroll and adds functionality to your non-Apple mouse (scroll-wheel mouse). Disable scroll acceleration in macOS 10.12 Sierra (the app is not free but that specific feature is free and will always be free). Because the way their smooth scroll feature is different from what I feel from interacting with the scroll wheel, it is giving me headaches if I move the scroll wheel to change the profiles, even before I play the game itself. With smooth scroll, I mean that when you normally rotate the mouse wheel, the page moves down 1 page in 1 frame,. Dec 30, 2010 It's actually a registry setting under HKCU Control Panel Desktop, but please do note that the scrollbar shares the same color as buttons ('3D objects' actually), so your other window components will share the same color. There is no way, without skinning software such as WindowBlinds by StarDock, to change the scrollbar color independently. This is a quick video on how to do reverse scrolling in windows without having to touch the registry. It is for people that have a microsoft mouse or would l.

The internet is a wild place that's given us many good things, and just as many not-so-good things. Whether you slot social media into either camp is entirely up to you. But one thing experts are starting to understand is how social media changes your brain. In the grand scheme of things, the virtual world is still in its infancy, which means it's likely that the long-term effects of all of this online living won't be known for decades. And, in an attempt to uncover both positive and negative consequences of social media, neuroscientists are starting to study some of the effects that online social networking has on the human brain.

One surprising finding is that the size of your online social network can actually change your brain — in a good way. 'The number of social contacts declared publicly on a major web-based social networking site was strongly associated with the structure of focal regions of the human brain,' a study published in the journal Proceedings of The Royal Society: Biological Sciences revealed.

While social media often gets bashed for its negative implications, the study found that people with large online social networks were better at forming memories, and were more likely to remember names and faces than those with smaller online networks. So, if you have eleventy-million Twitter followers, it might actually be really good for you. Polarr photo editor 4 3 0. But, not all of the effects are so positive, and these are some other ways social media changes your brain, according to science.

Itubedownloader 6 for mac 6 5 6. Unlike dusty old photo albums that are only pulled off the shelf at family gatherings or high-school reunions, posting photos and events on social media actually improves your memory of certain events. 'Events that were reported to be posted online were much more likely to be recalled than those not posted online,' Professor Qi Wang, author of a study published in the journal Memory, is quoted as saying in The Cornell Daily Sun. 'This is also independent of whether the participant viewed the event to be important.' What's more, social-media posts that include pictures can significantly improve memory recall.

Having your posts liked, and liking other people's posts, on social media activates your brain's reward center. This is one of the reasons why social scrolling can be so addictive. What's more, the more likes a post or photo has, the greater the reward. 'Viewing photos with many (compared with few) likes was associated with greater activity in neural regions implicated in reward processing, social cognition, imitation, and attention,' a study published in the journal Psychological Science revealed.


Smooze 1.9.14 – Change the way you scroll. K'ed Smooze Utilities. Smooze animates your scroll and adds functionality to your non-Apple mouse (scroll-wheel mouse). Disable scroll acceleration in macOS 10.12 Sierra (the app is not free but that specific feature is free and will always be free). Because the way their smooth scroll feature is different from what I feel from interacting with the scroll wheel, it is giving me headaches if I move the scroll wheel to change the profiles, even before I play the game itself. With smooth scroll, I mean that when you normally rotate the mouse wheel, the page moves down 1 page in 1 frame,. Dec 30, 2010 It's actually a registry setting under HKCU Control Panel Desktop, but please do note that the scrollbar shares the same color as buttons ('3D objects' actually), so your other window components will share the same color. There is no way, without skinning software such as WindowBlinds by StarDock, to change the scrollbar color independently. This is a quick video on how to do reverse scrolling in windows without having to touch the registry. It is for people that have a microsoft mouse or would l.

The internet is a wild place that's given us many good things, and just as many not-so-good things. Whether you slot social media into either camp is entirely up to you. But one thing experts are starting to understand is how social media changes your brain. In the grand scheme of things, the virtual world is still in its infancy, which means it's likely that the long-term effects of all of this online living won't be known for decades. And, in an attempt to uncover both positive and negative consequences of social media, neuroscientists are starting to study some of the effects that online social networking has on the human brain.

One surprising finding is that the size of your online social network can actually change your brain — in a good way. 'The number of social contacts declared publicly on a major web-based social networking site was strongly associated with the structure of focal regions of the human brain,' a study published in the journal Proceedings of The Royal Society: Biological Sciences revealed.

While social media often gets bashed for its negative implications, the study found that people with large online social networks were better at forming memories, and were more likely to remember names and faces than those with smaller online networks. So, if you have eleventy-million Twitter followers, it might actually be really good for you. Polarr photo editor 4 3 0. But, not all of the effects are so positive, and these are some other ways social media changes your brain, according to science.

Itubedownloader 6 for mac 6 5 6. Unlike dusty old photo albums that are only pulled off the shelf at family gatherings or high-school reunions, posting photos and events on social media actually improves your memory of certain events. 'Events that were reported to be posted online were much more likely to be recalled than those not posted online,' Professor Qi Wang, author of a study published in the journal Memory, is quoted as saying in The Cornell Daily Sun. 'This is also independent of whether the participant viewed the event to be important.' What's more, social-media posts that include pictures can significantly improve memory recall.

Having your posts liked, and liking other people's posts, on social media activates your brain's reward center. This is one of the reasons why social scrolling can be so addictive. What's more, the more likes a post or photo has, the greater the reward. 'Viewing photos with many (compared with few) likes was associated with greater activity in neural regions implicated in reward processing, social cognition, imitation, and attention,' a study published in the journal Psychological Science revealed.

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While it can be beneficial in small doses, maintaining mostly online friends as opposed to IRL friends can have a negative impact on your mental health. A study published in the journal the American Journal of Epidemiology found that found that IRL interactions led to more positive feelings than online interactions. One of the reasons for this is because people tend to compare themselves to others on social media. This is damaging is because people tend to present the best version of themselves online, which means that the comparisons aren't based in reality.

It's no secret that social scrolling is an ideal way to avoid what you should be doing. A study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that heavy social media users performed worse at being able to effectively switch from one task to another than moderate to light social media users. 'These results suggest that heavy media multitaskers are distracted by the multiple streams of media they are consuming,' the study authors wrote.

Can't sleep? Your phone, computer, and tablet might be to blame. Medical Daily reported that the type of blue light that's emitted from your devices could be keeping you awake at night. Insomnia can lead to more scrolling, which creates a vicious cycle of wakefulness. If you want to get some serious shut-eye, experts recommend disconnecting from your devices after 9 p.m. Things 3 4 2 – elegant personal task management tools.

Spending too much time on social media activates herd mentality. This means you may lose your ability to think for yourself and form your own opinions because you're more likely to go along with what's most popular, according to a study published in the journal Information Systems Frontiers. Basically, it's like being stuck in a virtual version of the movie Heathers.

If you've ever thought your phone was vibrating when it wasn't, you could be suffering from phantom vibration syndrome, according to a study published in the journal Computers In Human Behavior. This means that your nervous system is hypersensitive and reacts even when your phone is not vibrating, which is a form of hyper vigilance.

Like most things you enjoy, social media is beneficial in moderate doses. However, it's important not to overdo it if you want to avoid becoming a member of the phantom-vibration herd, a sub culture of people suffering from hyper vigilance, insomnia, and a decreased attention span. Because, Black Mirror should just be a show on Netflix and not a premonition for the future of society.

Microsoft Edge Platform Status: Currently Displays The Status Of This Feature As Under Consideration

The trackpad on the Touch and Type Covers for the Microsoft Surface with Windows RT implements the increasingly popular reverse scrolling direction, which is nice for some people and extremely irritating for others. Thankfully, those in the latter group don't have to live with it. While I have, for the most part, gotten used to scrolling in the opposite direction, Microsoft actually provides a way to change this with the Trackpad Settings app.

Compatible only with the Surface, the Trackpad Settings app allows you to flip the scrolling direction, as well as enable or disable scrolling, tap gestures, or even the entire trackpad in general. The app is limited to only these four options, but many people are sure to find it invaluable.

Some people might experience a minor issue where the app cannot detect the Touch/Type Cover, but there's a relatively simple fix:

  1. Make sure you have the latest updates: From the Start screen, type Update, tap Settings, then tap Check for updates.
  2. From the Start screen, type Devices, tap Settings, then tap Devices and Printers. Then tap Refresh three times (circular arrow next to Search box). Try using the app again.

Smooze Change The Way You Scroll 1 7 7 Kjv

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